2020 Conference Registration - Oom Yung DoeOom Yung Doe

2020 Conference Registration

Traditional Moo Doe Conferences are offered by the highest-ranking Masters and Higher Belts in the country. These conferences are the most direct way to understand the depth of Traditional Moo Doe and are essential in reaching the goal of becoming an instructor.

March Conference Dates:
March 6th 2:00pm Sparring Techniques against “Combination Attacks”
This workshop, taught by the Master Level Teaching Team, will focus on body positioning, bridging the gap and closing the range to your opponent, and delivering a destructive blow with each action. Techniques from Shin Hyung, Il Yuk and Mabu will be utilized.

This training develops;

  • Strong self-defense applications
  • Sensitivity and awareness
  • Ability to use explosive power
  • Sharper reflexes
  • Mental confidence
March 7th & 8th 8am - 5pm Traditional Moo Doe Instructors' Conference
  • Curriculum: MLT will review 1 of the 8 Martial Arts from white belt through 1st Degree
    • How to teach all levels of students in the group lesson
    • Understanding the correct positions, control & timing
    • Explanation points and demonstration points
    • Mock lesson planning & utilizing the points above
  • Group Lesson skills:
    • Balancing varying levels of students in the group
    • Properly challenging the students
  • How to Lead a Strong Practice Session
  • Self-Defense Drills
  • Covering Various Practice Schedules and Training Regimens to Improve Students' Development, Understanding, and Motivation
  • Proper Testing
  • Lesson Planning
  • Promoting Tournaments and Tournament Follow Up

A $50 down payment is required by January 19th, 2020. Balance payments are due by February 16th, 2020.
Registrations and down payments later than January 19th, 2020 will result a $50 late fee.
$150 will be subtracted from the above prices for participation* in preparing for the TMD Instructor Conference.
* Includes providing data, videos and other supporting documentation upon the request

Conference only (2 days)
Conference and Specialized Training (3 days)

Tuition Due:
Will participate in preparation for the conference: ($150 off)

Personal Information
First name:
Last name:
City: State:  Zip code: 
OYD ID #: Note: If you don't have your OYD ID # available, enter "N/A" to register, then email weeklong@oomyungdoe.com with your ID # when available.
Belt Rank:
School: City: State:
Main Instructor:

Deposit/payment enclosed
You must include a minimum $50 or the full balance to register for the program. Tuition fees are non-refundable.
Balance Due:
Visa Method of Payment: MasterCard
processing fee:
Card Number:
Expiration Date:  
CVD: (3 numbers on back of card)
(enter the information below if different from the information above)
Name on card:
Billing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Balance payment options
Full Payment enclosed
($0 balance)
Single payment of balance by due date
For additional payment options,
contact Oom Yung Doe

Verify all the fields are filled in correctly, then click the "Register" button to submit this form electronically. If paying by check, please print a copy of the form as well and send with payment to the address below:
Make checks payable to OYD United

OYD United
4079 Governor Drive #358
San Diego, 92122

Updated: December 30, 2019
For any questions or problems with this page contact weeklong@oomyungdoe.com