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6 months ago

Tae Guk Chung is an advanced form of Tai Chi Chung that focuses on precise breathing control. Through the proper practice of this form the practitioner can experience an increase in lung capacity while balancing and increasing levels of chi in the body, which in turn leads to a more overall balanced and healthy condition.
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Love his passion!

6 months ago

"...how much of an advantage it has given me in life, with the discipline, perseverance, and all those tools that have been instilled in us... I can't express enough how grateful I am for [Oom Yung Doe.]"
#martialarts #mindbodysoul
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7 months ago

Bagwa (Bagua or Pakua) as a martial art is based on the theory of continuous change in response to a given situation. Bagwa training enables you to move your body like a coiled spring, smoothly and lightly, but with tremendous speed and power.
#Bagua #martialarts #mindbodyspirit
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7 months ago

Once you have have balance you begin to have light.
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1 years ago

Ship Pal Gae encompasses 18 different weapons. Forms are soft and hard and the weapon and the body move together as one. Practice develops flexibility, coordination, strength, and speed and significantly enhances mental acuity, focus, and discipline. #martialarts #mindbodysoul ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago

"Learning, practicing, and teaching have all helped me to gain the strength and energy to see myself more clearly and the confidence to act more correctly."

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When are you guys going to show practical application of your art? It's one thing to choreograph, but I'd love to see you guys use your stuff practically!

2 years ago

Traditional Moo Doe (Martial Arts) is known as one of the best ways to reach a point of total harmony. It has been used to achieve balance internally and externally, which results in longevity and the ability to develop incredible physical, mental, and spiritual strength. The combination of correct principles and correct sequences with the proper body adjustments is necessary for this development.
#martialarts #Bagua #mindfulness
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Is there any footage of unchoreographed OYD free sparring? I'd love to see it!

2 years ago

검도 Kom Do (Korean and Japanese Style)

Kom Do movements are straight and direct, moving from one point to the other. This practice develops an acute mental alertness with strong physical power.

Repetition is spent on the basic block and attack movements to develop the physical strength in the wrist, arms and shoulders, in order to gain the speed, timing and accuracy, necessary for a clean sharp cut.

#samurai #mindandbody #martialarts
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Power comes from the hip area.

Is there any footage of Oom Yung Doe free sparring? I'd love to see it!

2 years ago

Bagwa (Bagua or Pa Kua) as a martial art is based on the theory of continuous change in response to a given situation. It is an internal form of Traditional Moo Doe that sharpens reflexes and cultivates the understanding of one’s mind and body.
#Bagua #mindbody
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2 CommentsComment on Facebook

What’s with Mr Kims flying sidekick?

Is there any footage of oom yung doe free sparring or unchoreographed sparring? I can't seem to find any....

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