2025 Traditional Moo Doe Week Long Seminar - Oom Yung DoeOom Yung Doe 2025 Traditional Moo Doe Week Long Seminar - Oom Yung Doe

2025 Traditional Moo Doe Week Long Seminar

International Level Certified Degree Program (2nd Degree and up)
 2nd Degree or above not currently on Certified Program (additional fee) 
Student (1st Degree and under)
Family member (spouse, significant other, parents) of student attending seminar (full-week)
attending children must be mature enough to attend the lessons with the adults
Child/Junior student
Full Week (5 days of training, 7/15-7/19)
Weekend/Partial Week

Dates of planned attendance: 
Tournament Medalists: (Recognized medal winners receive a discount of up to 25% on their Week Long tuition, depending on the tournament and medal won. Once confirmed the discount will be applied to tuition).
Medal Winner:
Discount applies to tuition only. Only one medalist discount applies, the highest discount medal earned. Tournament medal must have been earned after January, 1st 2024 to apply to the 2025 seminar.
Regional: State:
Gold: Silver: Bronze:
Date of Tournament:
Location of Tournament:
Before July 1, 2024- Registrations submitted before July 1, 2024 will receive 30% off the cost of tuition. Down payment is due with registration, balance due by July 15, 2024.
Before July 19, 2024- Registrations submitted before July 19, 2024 will receive 25% off the cost of tuition. Down payment is due with registration, balance due by July 31, 2024.
Before September 29, 2024- Registrations submitted before September 29, 2024 will receive 20% off the cost of tuition. Down payment is due with registration, balance due by March 2, 2025.
Main Instructors Only-
Before September 29, 2024-
 Registrations submitted before September 29, 2024 will receive 20% off the cost of tuition. Down payment is $500, due with registration, first half of balance due by March 2, 2025, second half of balance due by May 4, 2025.
Before November 24, 2024- Registrations submitted before November 24, 2024 will receive 10% off the cost of tuition. Down payment is due with registration, balance due by April 6, 2025.
After February 23, 2025 (Late registration)- registrations submitted after February 23, 2025 will be assessed a late charge of 20% of the cost of tuition. Down payment is due with registration, balance due by May 4, 2025. Registrations submitted after May 4, 2025 will require prior approval, contact Oom Yung Doe (weeklong@oomyungdoe.com). Those registering after the end of normal registration may not receive a sweatshirt/jacket.  
 Total tuition
Admin, Supplies & Food (all meals provided for on-site participants)
[lodging arranged separately]
Commute Fee (only applicable to students 12 and older staying off-site)
[lodging not provided]
 Deposit enclosed
You must include a minimum $900 or the full balance to register for the program. Tuition fees are non-refundable.
Main Instructors can register with a down payment of $500 during pre-registration
Previous/New Attendee (required to redeem MLT Training Vouchers)
Previous Week Long Attendee  New Week Long Attendee (first time) 
MLT Training Vouchers
$1000 MLT Training VoucherFirst Week Long Seminar
$550 MLT Training VoucherPrevious Week Long Seminar Attendee
 Calculate Balance Due:
Remaining Balance Due
(Balance due by March 2nd for pre-registrants, by April 6th for early registrants, May 4th for normal registration and at registration for late registration)
Please indicate your shirt size
(late registrants will receive sweatshirts/jackets if available)

Banquet Attendance
I will be attending the banquet
Number of Adult Guests (not including you)
Number of Child Guests (age 10 or below)
Names of Guests (please indicate whether they will be staying at the resort)

Personal Information
Belt Rank:
OYD ID #: Note: If you don't have your OYD ID # available, enter "N/A" to register, then email weeklong@oomyungdoe.com with your ID # when available.
First name:
Last name:
City: State:  Zip code: 
School: City: State:
Main Instructor:

Visa Method of Payment: MasterCard®
processing fee:
Card Number:
Expiration Date:  
CVD: (3 numbers on back of card)
(enter the information below if different from the information above)
Name on card:
Billing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Balance payment options
Full Payment enclosed
($0 balance)
Single payment of balance by date listed above
(or 2 payments for Main Instructors)
For additional payment options,
contact Oom Yung Doe

Verify all the fields are filled in correctly, then click the "Register" button to submit this form electronically. If paying by check, please print a copy of the form as well and send with payment to the address below:
Make checks payable to OYD United

OYD United
4079 Governor Drive #358
San Diego, 92122

Updated: June 8, 2024
For any questions or problems with this page contact weeklong@oomyungdoe.com